Mike Macleod

Birder & Guide
Mike Macleod - Birder & Guide

From an early age Mike has had an avid interest in birds, wildlife, and anything to do with the natural world. Whether chasing snakes in ravines, discovering plants, or watching birds, growing up in the Niagara region provided him with may opportunities to become acquainted with Ontario’s natural wonders.

This interest led Mike to take biology in his university studies, completing an undergraduate thesis on the reproductive ecology of white-throated sparrows and a master’s thesis in in vitro parasitology. Mike’s work has brought him to many interesting places, such as aiding sea turtle conservation efforts in Costa Rica, hydrogeological research in the boreal forests of Alberta, conducting research at the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory in Maine, and teaching at Wilfrid Laurier University.

Mike’s interest in birds continues to grow, bringing him to locations near and far, and driving him to participate in birding and conservation activities such as the Niagara Peninsula Hawkwatch, Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas, Canadian Breeding Bird Survey, and banding at Long Point Bird Observatory.

Always eager to experience and learn more about our natural world, Mike enjoys nothing more than sharing his passion and knowledge of birds and nature with others.

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