What to Expect
Our days on our Western India & Himalaya birding tour will start early, with occasional siestas during the warmest part of the day, and there will be several late afternoon/evening forays. There will be some easy to moderate hikes, but much of the birding will be from or near the vehicle.
Our accommodations are comfortable and there is enough choice in the cuisine to suit everyone’s taste. Transportation will generally be in comfortable, air-conditioned vehicles, except during safari rides. There are a number of long drives of 3 to 4 hours or more.
Daytime temperatures will usually range from mild to hot, but evenings and nights can be cool or even cold, especially in the mountains.
Air pollution is occasionally a problem for people with breathing difficulties, so you may wish to bring a simple mask along.
Each evening, the day’s list of birds and other wildlife will be reviewed and plans for the next day will be discussed.