Sally has been a guide for 20 years specializing in garden tours in the UK. She has travelled all over the the UK and France conducting tours. She has a keen interest in nature and wildlife and her knowledge of British wildlife, natural flora and fauna is excellent.
She feels it does not matter when you visit a garden as it is always changing and different. This is why she loves her job as a Garden Guide. If you go to the Tower of London it is always the same, but a garden is a living object.
She finds it very interesting to see how different owners have adapted their gardens to their local landscape, climate and soil type. The range of possibilities is without limit. Every gardener has their own favourite plants, seasons, colours and style. They may even be influenced by their view of history or modern art.
She finds the natural world fascinating, and the thrill of seeing a rare bird is something you never forget. She looks forward to showing you “what we have in England” and hearing your stories and experiences.