Rob Elvish

Ornithologist & Birding Guide
Rob Elvish - Ornithologist & Birding Guide

Rob is a retired ornithologist, environmental consultant and university educator, with a BSc majoring in Zoology, a MSc in bird ecology. A lifelong interest in birds has enabled Rob to travel and bird extensively in Australia, South & South East Asia, New Zealand, New Caledonia & the Cook Islands.

During his consultancies Rob has conducted fauna surveys in many parts of northern and eastern Australia.

He spent 2 dry seasons studying Gouldian Finches in the largest known breeding area (near Katherine, Northern Territory). Rob is a bander and still runs a small banding project in his own forest next to a large rainforest national park.

For several decades Rob has managed and lectured to USA university student groups on biology/ecology study tours in Australia, New Zealand & the Cook Islands, and has lead walking/natural history tours in national parks all around Australia and Malaysia. He enjoys introducing others to the wonders of this part of the world.

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