Mitch Doucet

Birding Guide & Photographer
Mitch Doucet - Birding Guide & Photographer

Mitch Doucet grew up on the Canadian east coast and presently resides in New Brunswick. Connected to nature from a young age and being an artist led him to wildlife photography. His spare time revolves around his passion for birding and nature and for travel as he explores every corner of his country. Traveling abroad for work provided opportunities to explore most of Canada from BC to Newfoundland. Despite working in an office full time as an IT professional Mitch takes every opportunity to go out in nature and to share his knowledge with others.

Mitch leads small bird and nature tours with local naturalist clubs across the province. His favourite place is Grand Manan Island where he resides during the summer. He is very enthusiastic when sharing his beautiful province and the island to visitors from abroad.

Another passion of Mitch’s is to be on the water either on a private boat or during pelagic tours. He has spent 100s of hours on the water identifying birds and whales.

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