Anuar López was born in Mexico City in 1983. He began birdwatching at the age of ten years, exploring the extinct Lake Texcoco area. Anuar studied biology at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, where he focused on the phylogeographic aspects of the Olivaceous Woodcreeper and other Neotropical bird species.
Since 2007 he has actively participated in field work (monitoring, banding, and guiding). In 2009 Anuar lead a team to carry out a rapid bird survey in Sierra Leone for almost two months. Since 2018 Anuar has worked regularly as a birding guide.
Recently (2020) Anuar participated in the genetic study to validate the separation of the Scrub Euphonia populations of Western Mexico, elevating them to an endemic species of Mexico: Godman’s Euphonia.
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