Canadian Geographic Adventures

Canadian Geographic Designated Travel Partner

Eagle-Eye Tours is thrilled to partner with the Royal Canadian Geographic Society as a designated travel partner.

Discovering and exploring are key pillars of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society. Eagle-Eye Tours is happy to partner with this like-minded organization and offer unique travel experiences.

The tours we offer with Canadian Geographic will not only have an Eagle-Eye Tours guide, but will also feature a noble RCGS Ambassador.

The Ambassador will be selected from within RCGS and Canadian Geographic programs, such as Explorers-in-Residence, Photographers-in-Residence, Filmmakers-in-Residence, the RCGS Board of Governors and the RCGS College of Fellows. The Ambassador is an additional resource to all tour participants.

The guest experience is further enhanced by a pre-tour virtual meet-and-greet, customized digital libraries from the Canadian Geographic vault, a Canadian Geographic welcome package and a warm welcome into the Canadian Geographic family.